At the heart of St Catherine’s School is a community dedicated to fostering, strengthening and enhancing opportunities for our students. An integral part of this community are our Year Level Parent Representatives who provide an invaluable communication channel between School and home. This week we celebrate and thank 3YO ELC Parent Representative Mrs Zealie Ainsworth, mother of Elisabetta and Aurelio.

What Year level are you a Parent Representative for?  

Three-year-old ELC

What inspired you to volunteer for this role?  

I thought it would be a great way to meet new people and engage in the St Catherine’s community.

Why is volunteering important to you?  

I believe that it is important to make the most of the wonderful opportunities St Catherine’s makes available to the children and their families.

What do you believe a St Catherine’s education provides your daughter(s)?  

We are hoping that St Catherine’s will foster our daughter’s love of learning and encourage her to be strong and adventurous.

Outside of your Year Level Representative role, what are other interests/work you have?  

We love travelling as a family.

Would you like to share something about yourself to our community – a special skill, your favourite book, meal, movie? Or an inspiring quote?  

I was born and raised in the Australian outback which is a very special place to me. I often think to myself how different a start in life my children have had from me and my sisters. They were born in New York City and recently relocated to MelbourneThe outback and NYC could not be more different!