A Parents’ Guide to Exam Support

How to Guide and Support Your Daughter Through her Final School Year and Examination Period

We understand that the final year of school, especially the journey towards your daughter’s VCE final exams, can be a time filled with both excitement and nervousness.  

As parents, your unwavering support is crucial in helping your daughter navigate these moments in her academic journey. Below are some valuable insights on how you can empower your daughter by fostering a positive mindset, assisting in the creation of a nurturing routine, and offering effective strategies to ensure her success during this challenging period. 

Promoting a Positive Mindset for VCE Success

A positive mindset is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your daughter’s experience and performance during her VCE journey: 

  1. Stress Management: Encourage a positive outlook to help your daughter handle stress and anxiety effectively. Explain that stress can cloud thinking and affect her performance. 
  2. Staying Motivated: Foster optimism to keep her motivated and determined throughout her VCE journey. A positive mindset can boost her motivation, especially during challenging times. 
  3. Building Resilience: Positivity helps your daughter bounce back from setbacks and tackle challenges, which are vital during VCE exams. 
  4. Prioritising Wellbeing: Highlight the significance of a positive mindset for both physical and mental health. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, crucial during this period.
Establishing a Supportive Routine for Success

Consistency plays a vital role in your daughter’s success. A well-structured routine offers the stability necessary for effective time management and a balanced life. 

Clear Goal Setting: Assist your daughter in defining specific academic objectives for each subject. Collaborate on a study plan that outlines these goals and establishes a practical timeline for their achievement. Ensure her goals follow the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). 

Time Management: Work together to allocate dedicated time slots for studying, relaxation, and leisure activities. Encourage her to combat procrastination and stick as closely as possible to her schedule. 

Prioritising Wellbeing: Reinforce the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Emphasise the significance of adequate sleep, nutritious meals, and regular exercise as foundational elements of success. Consider setting aside one evening a week for a walk-and-talk together. 

Effective Study Techniques: Support your daughter in discovering the study methods that suit her best. Whether it is summarising notes, practising with past exam papers, or participating in study groups, encourage her to find what works for her. Remind her that what may work for her peers might not necessarily be the right approach for her. It is important for your daughter to stay true to her own preferences and style. 

Practical Tips for Your Daughter’s Success

Lastly, it is important to explore practical tips and strategies to empower your daughter during this time: 

  1. Practise Past Exam Papers: Encourage your daughter to familiarise herself with past exam papers. This helps her understand the exam format and hone her time management skills.
    Examination specifications, past examinations and examination reports (vcaa.vic.edu.au)  
  2. Stay Organised: Provide tools like calendars, planners, or digital apps to help her stay organised. Tracking important dates, deadlines, and progress is essential. 
  3. Seek Support: Remind her that it is okay to seek help when needed. Whether it is from teachers, tutors, or peers, encourage her to reach out for clarification or guidance.
    Support for young people | Head to Health  
  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Introduce mindfulness and relaxation exercises into her routine. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help her stay calm under pressure. A mindful app is a great way to take some time and check in with yourself. Smiling Mind is a great resource: App — Smiling Mind 
  5. Stay Informed: Keep her informed about any updates or changes related to exams. Ensure she is aware of exam timetables, venue details and trusts the system. VCE examination timetable (vcaa.vic.edu.au) 

As parents, your unwavering support is pivotal in your daughter’s journey to success during her final school year and examinations. Embrace positivity, help her establish a nurturing routine, and provide gentle guidance with effective strategies. Your belief in her and your calm presence are her strongest allies. Adding an anxious parent to a panicking teenager can escalate stress, so remain reassuring.  

Also remember St Catherine’s School is here to support you as well as your daughter. Please feel free to contact me, your daughter’s House Tutor or Head of Year, Mrs Linda Morgan should you require any advice or assistance.  

Together, we will pave the way for success. 

Mrs Alison Cassidy, Director of Senior Years