Student Leadership
The School has always regarded service and responsibility integral elements of a girl’s education. It is important that every girl experiences some form of leadership whilst at School and is prepared for responsibilities as they emerge in life, when they are sought or offered.
Student Leadership Project – USE your VOICES
The School has always regarded service and responsibility as integral elements of a girls’ education and that of developing lifelong leadership skills. It is important that every girl experiences some form of leadership whilst at School and is prepared for responsibilities. To this end, leadership skills are nurtured in every girl, commencing this year in the Senior School with the Use Your VOICES Project – Voice, Ownership, Inclusion, Compassion, Empowerment, Strength, and aims to prepare St Catherine’s graduates to aspire to leadership roles. The project encompasses opportunities to participate in the Student Representative Council (SRC) and is reflected in our School Assemblies that are completely led by the Student Executive and in our Junior School, the Barbreck Ambassador Program, in Year 5 and 6 is founded in developing leadership skills. This development continues across the years and is formalised through the Leadership Diploma offered in Years 9 (Light Blue) and Year 10 and 11 (Dark Blue).
Barbreck (Junior School) Council
The Barbreck Council, is made up of our Year 6 students. The Council meets each fortnight and is chaired by the Junior School Co-Captains.
Leadership Diploma
The Diploma is a unique qualification to St Catherine’s and offers students the opportunity to strengthen the School community and to refine their own leadership skills. The Leadership Diploma incorporates all components of the Years 9 and 10 curriculum and recognises students’ involvement in and achievement from their academic and Co-curricular programs. It drives the girls to be organised, proactive, altruistic, insightful and empathetic, with the opportunity to make a tangible difference to their School and local community.
Encouraging students to step outside their comfort zones and become involved in new and different activities inside and outside the School is a major objective of the Leadership Diploma. The journey provides students with a strong insight, not only in School and the wider community but also themselves through the personal reflection required for the Diploma. It is a requirement for students to successfully complete a list of criteria which includes developing positive relationships, involvement in mentoring programs, Community Service and environment programs, performance and public speaking, Outdoor Education and being a positive role model. Students who complete the Diploma are then eligible for leadership selection for roles such as School Captain, House Captain and the many Co-curricular Captaincy roles.
Year 12 Leaders
During Term 3, Senior Office Bearers are elected for the following year via a democratic process. All students in Year 11 students submit nominations for the School Co-Captains positions.
Students must have achieved a St Catherine’s School Leadership Diploma to be eligible to hold a leadership position. Year 11 students actively involved in each House, Committee or Co-curricular activity can be nominated for the position of Captain or Vice-Captain in Year 12.
The Year 12 cohort works as a leadership team with a Year 12 Executive comprised from the list of students short-listed for School Captain and Vice-Captain. The Executive works with the entire Year level to manage initiatives and lead the student body.
Captains of Boarding House, Art, Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Environment, International, Community Service, Drama, the four Houses, Music and Sport will assume the responsibility of each portfolio and enlist the assistance of other members of Year 12. Specific Sport and Music Ensembles will also elect Captains to lead particular activities, for example Rowing, Snowsports and Strings.