From our 2023 Drama Captain

Miranda Ware

I have loved every second being Drama Captain this year.

Upon receiving this role, I could never have imagined what our closely knit Drama community were going to achieve this year.

Quite evident was the impact the Senior School Play Children of the Black Skirt, had on many people. Through exploring gothic social themes, the cast were able to put purpose to theatre – it is more than just acting, it is telling someone’s true story.

Drama Club has also been a key highlight for many theatrical students, working together in creating improvised scenes, playing games, and generating ideas. This has successfully shown the amount of creativity our girls have.

I have met so many talented people from this and built many friendships with students I may not have even spoken to if I was not a part of Drama Club. It has proved how connected and supportive our theatre students are at St Catherine’s.

Our successes could not have happened without the Performing Arts teachers. Thank you to Ms Lucas and Mr Brown for always motivating me and believing in me as a theatre student, as well as doing the same for so many others.

I am thrilled to see what happens in the future of Performing Arts at St Catherine’s School.


Miranda Ware, Drama Captain