Barbreck Debating: 2023 In Review

The pleasure of seeing so many students sign up for Debating in 2023 was truly invigorating! This year, Debating was conducted as a House Competition. Guided by a dedicated cohort of Year 10 students as coaches, our Barbreck debaters swiftly honed their abilities within a nurturing team atmosphere.  

The propositions argued during the 2023 season encompassed themes that are close to home and of global significance including ‘That parents should pay their children pocket money for doing chores;’ ‘That too much money is spent on games and toys;’ and ‘That we should stop selling bottled water.’ 

School Captains and A Grade debaters, Flora Du, and Ava Colosimo launched the season. They accepted an invitation to attend Barbreck Debating as guest speakers. Camilla Thomas and Charlotte Morris, Barbreck School Co-Captains, and Year 6 debaters, interviewed Flora and Ava, delving into their passions for Debating and sharing invaluable lessons. 

Later in the season, Flora and Ava returned, accompanied by Senior School Debating and Public Speaking Captain, Anise Iman, to lend their expertise as guest adjudicators. The Year 6 debaters gained insights from their feedback, which stood them in good stead for subsequent debates. 

All debaters invested immense effort to unveil their talents and exhibited poise in presenting their arguments before a live audience. Congratulations to all debaters and coaches for another year of well-articulated perspectives, particularly Davis House which was undefeated. 

Mrs Susan Duffy, Barbreck Debating Coordinator