Following in Her Footsteps: The Goldstraw/Dobbin Girls

A handful of St Catherine’s graduates have come together to share their memories of being young sports competitors and the joy they now find in watching their daughters compete for their School too. Over the coming weeks we share stories from these Old Girls and their daughters. This week we feature Mrs Fiona Dobbin (Goldstraw ’90) and her daughter, Alice Dobbin in Year 9.

Mrs Fiona Dobbin (Goldstraw ’90), Sports Vice Captain

What sports did both you and Alice play at St Catherine’s School?  

Basketball, Netball and Tennis. 

How has playing the same sport helped strengthen your bond as mother and daughter?  

It is a connection. An understanding of the experience, and therefore the ability to truly empathise with a situation/circumstance. 

Have you noticed any differences in the way you and Alice approach the sport and how the sport is now played?  

Alice has more physical confidence than I had. I feel over time females on a whole have been encouraged to demand more from their bodies, and to challenge their physical and mental potential.  

St Catherine’s School’s Athlete Development Academy promotes commitment, strength, and motivation to be fitter, stronger, and the best you can be. Alice has been fortunate to be a part of the ADA Program this year.   

Has playing the same sport as Alice allowed you to support and motivate her during both the triumphs and setbacks?  

Absolutely. I have past experience to reflect on and share. Hopefully, there is learning in this which fuels the wins and cushions the losses. 

What do you believe are the benefits of playing sport at school?  

An opportunity to connect with a variety of girls, try new sports, maintain fitness, and facilitate wellbeing.  

Can you share some insights or fond memories of your time playing sport at St Catherine’s?  

Sport at St Catherine’s has always been inclusive and encouraging. Promoting the importance of maintaining health and fitness to balance the academic program.  

It was particularly special for me to watch Alice’s Netball Team play on the refurbished court in the new Sports Centre. This is the court I used to play on too, but now this space is redeveloped and improved!  

Alice Dobbin, Year 9

How has having your Mum also being a St Catherine’s athlete helped you in your chosen sports? 

With Mum doing a variety of different sports at School, it has inspired me to try different GSV Sports at School. Trying a diverse range of sports has helped me find my passion for different sports at St Catherine’s.  

What do you enjoy about sharing these sports experiences with your Mum? 

I enjoy getting to experience my Mum coming to watch my GSV Sport as I would not have signed up for different GSVs without her encouragement and support.   

What do you enjoy about participating in sports at St Catherine’s? 

What I love most about participating in sports at St Catherine’s is that I get to experiment with a variety of different sports each term and I can discover what I love doing.    

What have you learnt/discovered about yourself from playing sport? 

I have learnt that I love playing and trying out different sports. I love team sports and I have enjoyed the number of friends I have created through participating in School sport.    

What are some of your best sporting memories so far from St Catherine’s? 

My favourite sporting memories so far from St Catherine’s are participating in the GSV Basketball Finals, competing in GSV Track and Field Finals night for Discus, and competing at the Head of Schoolgirls Regatta for St Catherine’s Rowing. 

Mrs Fiona Dobbin (Goldstraw '90) and Alice Dobbin, Year 9