Special Visitors’ Morning – Year 2

Special Visitors’ Morning at Barbreck was a wonderful event for our Prep to Year 3 students!  

The day started off with our Year 2 and Petite Strings performing in the new Sports Centre. The girls entertained our special visitors with their rendition of Easy Kanon and the Langley Choir also performed a piece called Bilby. 

After the performances, the girls escorted our special visitors to their classrooms where the girls were excellent hosts. The Year 2 girls shared some of their favourite moments from the morning’s celebrations: 

Zara enjoyed making paper lilies for her grandma and grandpa. It was a special moment for her. 

Lily had a great time playing the violin in the new Sports Centre. She especially enjoyed walking with her aunt and having a chat with her. 

Millie’s highlight from Special Visitors’ Morning was receiving a present from her grandma. She also loved making a bunch of lilies for her family. 

Annabelle thought the performance by the Petite Strings of Easy Kanon was very successful. She personally enjoyed playing the viola. 

Ariel was happy to have her mum and friend at school. They all made flowers together, which she enjoyed. 

Hannah appreciated the help she received from Herc in making some flowers.  

Overall, the morning was filled with joy, music, creativity, and the warmth of family and friends.  

Mrs Louise Thompson, Year 2 Teacher