Co-Curricular Conversations: Debating Matters

A Demanding Debate and a Debut Winner! 

For the debate held on Monday 23 May, teams were challenged by the proposition ‘That playing competitive sport does more harm than good in primary school’. Chong I (Cheryl) Li and Charlotte Roe were Chairperson and Timekeeper. 

The Affirmative team: Holly Farrer, Camilla Aberdeen and Tavia Anh Pham, set the agenda very clearly and both teams went straight to the core themes of the proposition.   

The Affirmative team argued that learning the score and realising you may be losing is discouraging and young children should participate in sport for fun and fitness. 

The Negative team: Genevieve Le, Parnian Hosseni and Berry Roberts, responded strongly that competition builds resilience and brings out the best in people. Supported by their coaches, both teams developed their rebuttal skills. 

Scores were close with the Affirmative team winning by two points. 

The Best Speaker was Parnian who, thanks to Annika Gill, had the line of the debate with a quote from General Patton: “Pressure makes diamonds.” 

Congratulations to all the debaters.  

Ms Susan Duffy, Barbreck Debating Coordinator