From the Head of Year 7 – weBelong

The commencement of any school year brings with it a fresh start, an air of possibility and a sense of anticipation at a new juncture of learning.

For our Year 7 students this is amplified as they realise they are a part of a whole new community, both in, and beyond the Clocktower.

Year 7 first day

In their first moments through the Heyington Gates our newest members of the Senior School have been welcomed by Year 12 students, assisted by girls in higher Year Levels to find new classrooms and had Senior staff help them set locks or find the Williamstown bus. The kindness and care our newest Senior School students have been surrounded by, has ensured they know, they belong.

Our first two weeks have been rich in opportunities to discover this sense of belonging. Beyond that first day walking through the Gates, our wider School community recognised the milestone that is the commencement of secondary school, through the annual Induction Service.

Reverend Peter Whitaker, families, staff and Senior School students joined together to acknowledge this exciting first step on the journey, but to also welcome the students and their families into what is a very special community, rich in opportunity, joy, love and courage.

Year 7 Induction Service

This was particularly evident in the actions of our Senior School students whose contribution to the Induction Service and care for the Year 7s at this event demonstrated a direct reflection of the goodness and greatness of the St Catherine’s community.

Soon after the students’ first day and the Induction Service, the Year 7s were able to develop their own sense of belonging within their cohort through the weBelong Orientation Camp. The intention of this camp is primarily for students to make new connections, discover each-other’s strengths, develop their independence and to push beyond their comfort zones, both socially and physically.

Given the early date of this experience, it can often be a daunting prospect for many to have to share a room or activity group with a stranger, let alone navigating the stand-up paddle board with a sense of grace. However, from the flying fox and the surfboard, to the 80s Disco and finally (thankfully) to bed, the kindness and comfort of the Year 7 Cohort saw new friendships blossom, new connections made and some pretty impressive 80s dance moves.

This camp serves as a turning point for many students, but most importantly it unifies our Year 7 students as a cohort. The students discover their team, the immediate group to which they all belong. The change in the students, socially and emotionally, is immediately recognisable from the point of return to School.

Studies have shown that this sense of belonging at school is associated with higher levels of physical and emotional wellbeing and academic achievement (Allen, Kern, Vella-Brodrick, Hattie, Waters 2018). This is because it is strongly linked to self-efficacy, self-esteem, optimism, sociability and self-concept (Allen, Vella-Broderick & Waters, 2016), making it a crucial theme for our Year 7 Wellbeing Program.

Many of you will think I am waxing lyrical when I tell you of the privilege it is to be the Head of Year 7, to watch the change in students as they navigate their first year of secondary school. To support them and their families through the challenges and triumphs of the journey. Though some of it is helping to set locks, read a timetable or find the F101 classroom, there are also the moments to witness students developing their sense of belonging; this gem is truly something to behold.

Please enjoy a selection of images from the weBelong Camp below. Images from our Year 7 Induction Service can also be accessed via our myPhotos facility on the mystcatherines portal here.

Reference List

Allen, K., Kern, M. L., Vella-Brodrick, D., Hattie, J., & Waters, L. (2018). What schools need to know about fostering school belonging: A meta-analysisEducational Psychology Review, 30, 1–34.

Allen, K., Vella-Brodrick, D., & Waters, L. (2016). Fostering school belonging in secondary schools using a socio-ecological framework. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33, 97–121.

Ms Liv Cher, Head of Year 7