Co-Curricular Conversations – Debating News

Debating is a fantastic opportunity for our Barbreck girls to gain confidence speaking in front of others and develop their critical thinking, listening and speaking skills.

Students quickly learn that Debating is not about raising your voice, but choosing your words wisely, and making reasoned and well thought out arguments.

Barbreck Debating offers Year 6 students the opportunity to question their views, challenge their thinking and thoughtfully consider other points of view in a supportive environment. Students are encouraged to engage in current issues, watch the news and read the newspaper.

During Term 1, students attend three compulsory training sessions, teams are formed and coaches are assigned. We are extremely fortunate to have a dedicated group of Year 10 debaters who mentor and coach the Year 6 debaters, ensuring all students are well prepared to participate in the competitive rounds of Debating that take place throughout Terms 2 and 3.

Topics are selected with the aim of sparking controversy. They have two clear sides, and are relevant and accessible.

Debating is open to all Year 6 students. It takes place on Mondays at lunchtime in B117. Our first Debating meeting will take place this Monday 21 February. Interested students can either drop by B117 for a chat, or send their expression of interest to

Mrs Susan Duffy, Debating Coordinator