Issue 442 | 18 February 22 | W3T1

From the Principal

From the Principal – Can I Play?

As we step forward out of the shadows of lockdowns, it is now time for parents, together with teachers, to earnestly encourage our girls to return to the pursuit of their Co-curricular passions with vigour.


Early Learning Centre

Junior School

Towards 2025

Towards 2025 – No Mud, No Lotus

Since 2015, each consecutive Year 12 Cohort has chosen a single word to encapsulate their theme or focus for the year ahead. Acknowledging the power of a common goal, the 2022 Year 12 Cohort have chosen the inspirational word Emerge.


Student VOICES

Senior School

From the Head of Year 7 – weBelong

Our Year 7 students have been welcomed into the Senior School community through a range of welcoming traditions including their first day with the Year 12s, our Induction Service and the weBelong Camp.


School News