Meet our Community – Mrs Jodie Cody, President of Sports Auxiliary

What are the main objectives of the Sports Auxiliary for 2018 and its key achievements over the past year?
In 2018, the Sports Auxiliary will support the Sports Department at St Catherine’s by promoting and encouraging participation in all sport at St Catherine’s. The Auxiliary will fundraise to assist with recognising effort and sporting achievement as well as equipment, however our most valued objective is to create a fun, vibrant positive community within the School.
Last year we organised the inaugural St Catherine’s Fun Run which engaged girls, parents and dogs as we managed the Tan running track. The Auxiliary supported the Father Daughter Dinner and assisted with Kim Crowe attending for all to enjoy and share her incredible journey. Finally, the Sports Award Breakfast is another important community engagement event where we celebrate the girl’s achievements during the year.
What does the auxiliary hope to achieve during the coming year?
Raise awareness, fun and make new friends and get everyone on board for our 2018 St Catherine’s Fun Run on Sunday 22nd April.
What are the key events taking place for the auxiliary in the coming 12 months?
St Catherine’s Fun Run Sunday 22 April
Sports Award Breakfast
Why do you think volunteering is so important? How can people contribute?
I believe the girls love to be involved in all sports at St Catherine’s, and the girls love parents supporting and watching them in their achievements. The parents can come together and enjoy fun and friendship and camaraderie with parents, girls and teachers from the School.
Volunteering helps build better relationships with your daughters and ensures a sense of community within the School. New parents are welcome to join the auxiliary to bring knowledge and skills and enhance the strength of the committee. We like all Year levels represented.
Have you been involved in other roles at St Catherine’s?
I have been involved in the Sports Auxiliary for five years and have previously been President when my eldest daughter was Sports Captain in 2014. I am also a current member of the Snowsports Committee and have been President for three years from 2014 to 2016.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?
I have had four daughters attend St Catherine’s with my youngest daughters Celia and Annelise just beginning their VCE Journey. I graduated from University with a Business and Arts Degree and in the past worked juggling children and activities. I am now busy looking after my family, playing Tennis and walking my dog Digby and trying to have time to play Golf.
Tell us something our community does not know about you. What is your favourite book, hobby, movie or meal?
Paella is my favourite meal with friends and daughters’ friends.
Do you have a favourite joke or party trick you are famous for?
Love to hit the dance floor
If you could eat one food every day for the rest of your life what would it be?