This term our Year 12 students joined forces with our Year 8s, sparking inspiring inter-Year level conversations and learning.

The initiative was born from Head of Year 8, Ms Liv Cher’s desire to connect her Year 8 girls with our Year 12 Cohort to provide their younger counterparts with guidance, advice, and insights into their journeys.

Driven by a set of 10 thoughtful questions designed to ignite meaningful conversations, the girls gathered in The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre, sharing personal reflections, knowledge, and advice with each other.

The Inception of a Unique Mentorship Activity

Understanding that secondary school is still a big learning curve for many Year 8s, Ms Cher knew our Year 12 students would have valuable stories to share with her Year 8 Cohort about their challenges and triumphs throughout school.

Together, we crafted 10 thought-provoking questions that would serve as catalysts for these conversations.

Breaking the Ice

Upon entering The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre, our Year 8s and Year 12s were split into smaller groups, each consisting of about four to five students from each Year level.

To create a relaxed atmosphere, a bowl of lollies was placed in each group – a sweet touch to break the ice and encourage a comfortable environment. Many of the Year 8s initially felt nervous, but as they began to pull questions out of envelopes and share their thoughts, they relaxed into the activity.

The questions acted as conversation starters, allowing even the shyest students to find their voices. What unfolded was a series of engaging and heartfelt dialogues.

A Hands-Off Approach

One of the most remarkable aspects of this initiative was the independence shown by our students to facilitate this activity.

We took a hands-off approach knowing the true benefits of the activity would occur when the students were left to their own devices.

Mutual Benefits

The mentorship activity was a win-win for both our Year 8 and Year 12 students. The younger students gained valuable insights into navigating the challenges of school and life. They discovered that their older peers had faced similar struggles and had emerged stronger and wiser.

On the flip side, our Year 12 mentors enjoyed sharing their journeys and witnessing the growth of their younger peers.

It was a heartwarming experience that showcased the power of mentorship and peer support.

As the Head of Year 12, one of the most gratifying aspects of the initiative was seeing reserved students stepping up and taking the lead. It underscored the idea that everyone has a valuable story to share, and this initiative provided a platform for quieter students to shine.

The lessons learned and connections forged during this initiative will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on both the Year 8s and Year 12s.

Ms Linda Morgan, Head of Year 12 and Ms Liv Cher, Head of Year 8