Read, Learn and Inspire

In Year 3, we embraced the 2023 Book Week theme ‘Read, Grow, and Inspire’ alongside our young readers.  

At St Catherine’s, we actively promote reading among our girls, fostering a love for it. We provide opportunities, resources, and dedicated time for reading. We take pride in celebrating the growth of our readers, and as educators, we work hard to inspire our readers. We model reading and its value every day.  

As teachers we see the correlation between reading and academic success. Students who have a good habit of reading perform better in school. Reading improves vocabulary, builds comprehension, critical thinking skills, and enhances concentration in class. Reading also improves memory.  

Reading books stimulates imagination and creativity, allowing students to explore different worlds and ideas. It exposes students to a wide range of topics and ideas and expands their knowledge. Students who read widely are better writers. 

A good reading habit can reduce stress and provide a healthy escape from reality. Books empower children and enrich their lives. Reading books sets the foundation for lifelong learning. 

Authors remind us of the magic of books: 


“There is more treasure in books than
in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Walt Disney 



“I do believe something very magical can
happen when you read a good book.”

J.K Rowling


“If you are going to get anywhere in life,
you have to read a lot of books.”

Roald Dahl


Quotes about reading from our Year 3 readers: 

“I love reading because it is calming. I like to read in a quiet place. I like to read graphic novels at the Library. The Babysitter’s Club is one of my favourite series to read. In class we have a class novel. I love being read to by a teacher and being able to visualise the story. My favourite authors currently are J.K Rowling and Roald Dahl. I have the whole Dahl collection of books. James and the Giant Peach is my favourite.” Man Wen (Naomi) Chen  

“I love reading. In Year 3 we learn about reading comprehension. We have learnt about noun groups and verb groups and paragraph structure. We use the Cars and Stars Program to explore and learn about different strategies such as the main idea of the text, the target audience, and the purpose of the text. I love reading at home. I am currently reading a series of books that are great called The Keeper of the lost Cities.” Claudia Pagnin 

“I have just started reading thick chapter books. I am currently reading Odder about an otter. In Year 3 we learn about reading comprehension. In class we share a novel each term. We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have been exploring the character traits of each of the characters in the book. I love writing narratives and using descriptive characters in my stories.” Rose (Rosie) O’Brien 

“I love reading because it is very imaginative, and it helps me learn new words. I am really into it. I love reading all books. I read every day, so many books. I read chapter books and the longer they are the better.” Emma Gao 

In Year 3 reading is an important part of the curriculum. Classroom time is allocated to reading books. Alongside teaching reading and exploring reading comprehension strategies, the girls have created a comfortable space with cushions to just enjoy reading. Silent reading or DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time is an opportunity to just stop and read.  

Book Club is another time for shared or guided reading and discussions in small groups. A class novel is carefully selected each term by teachers to read and explore as a shared experience with their peers and the teacher. Reading is also an integral part of the Year 3 Homework Program each night. 

One of our Year level’s favourite times of the week is when the Year 3 girls have their timetabled Library lesson. Through these sessions they are exposed to different authors and genres. The girls are encouraged to borrow from a wide range of books. As independent readers they discover the joy of chapter books – moving away from the take home levelled books of their early primary years. They are introduced to visiting authors and all the fun of our Barbreck Book Week activities. 

Sharing a favourite picture book with their younger ELC friends is a highlight for many of our Year 3 students. Reading to younger students creates a beneficial learning experience. The older students gain confidence as mentors and enhance their reading skills. The younger students benefit from exposure to reading. The interaction fosters a nurturing learning environment where literacy skills thrive.  

In the words of Dr Suess:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Seuss

Miss Taleah Pecchiar, Mrs Emma Stephens, Ms Georgina Stride, Year 3 Teachers