Celebrating our Mothers, Grandmothers and Special Guests

The children in our Early Learning Centre were delighted to host their mums and special guests for very special Mother’s Day celebrations this week. 

During the week, each class held their own celebration to mark this special occasion. Much discussion, planning and preparation has gone into these events as the children discussed arrangements, planned details for the afternoon and then prepared cards and gifts.  

Excitement and love could be felt in each class as the children enjoyed sharing this special time with their loved ones. Time was spent sharing stories, songs, and special experiences, with a little pampering. The celebrations also involved the children presenting their guests with beautifully prepared cards and gifts. This is always a highlight of the year for the children and their mums. It is a special time that creates wonderful memories. 

We wish all our ELC mums a wonderful Mother’s Day with your families this Sunday. 

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of Early Learning