Barbreck Update – We Are Back!!!

There was much excitement as the girls gathered all of their resources from cars, had their temperature check and entered the School. They were so excited to be back in their classroom, see their friends and teachers and be part of an interactive actual classroom. The excitement continued throughout the day, with much laughter heard on the classrooms, girls enjoying being together for morning tea and lunch and finally saying goodbye to their first day. We hope this pattern continues for the remainder of the term.
Face to Face Teaching Focus
With our return to school, our focus is on face-to-face teaching, ascertaining the girls’ learning needs and developing plans for each of the girls from data gathered.
Every lesson counts this term and the teachers will be making the most of this time to achieve the best outcomes for each girl. It is great to be back in the classroom with all of the hands-on and specialist resources at teachers’ disposal to make learning more tangible; enabling the girls to do, see and learn and adding a touch of fun to lessons.
With a focus on face-to-face teaching, the Junior School teachers will no longer be providing online learning at the same time for those who have not returned – it is impossible to do both well at the same time. We will, however, support families by providing work on the portal for students who are not returning from Monday 12 October.
Congestion on Barbreck Footpaths
Our School and neighbouring community is conscious of the COVID-19 restrictions pertaining to the health risks associated with congestion. It has come to my attention that, in the excitement of our return to campus, there was concern around the amount of crowding in front of the Junior School at the end of the day.
With this in mind, the School asks that you remain in your car when collecting your daughter at the end of the day. If you are waiting at the front of the School, please be mindful of ensuring the footpath is clear for all pedestrians. We ask that after collecting the girls, to leave the area quickly, reducing congestion on both the footpath and the street.
We thank you in advance for supporting our community to be compliant with all COVID-19 restrictions.
We look forward to seeing the girls back next week.