“What kind of difference are we going to make?”

The class of 2020 have enjoyed a busy and exciting start to the school year. A two-day Leadership Conference held at Melbourne University’s Trinity College set the tone for the year, where the Year 12 Students were able to consider what kind of difference they wanted to make this year.

Our guest speaker at Breakfast on day one was St Catherine’s Old Girl, Ingrid Mao (‘15) who provided some sage advice based on her time at school, a pragmatic approach to failure, and the importance of connection. Other team building activities, workshops, House discussions and guest speakers were able to impart some very important and relevant take home messages, which we will continue to focus on throughout the year.

There was a palpable air of excitement for the presentation of the blue Year 12 Jumpers by our fantastic Heads of House team; a rite of passage that symbolises the leadership role now bestowed upon the group. School Co-Captains, Sophie Boyce and Alexandra Shergold, led the discussion on the theme for the year, which was met with resounding positivity: 2020 VISION.

The Induction Assembly on 3 February saw the girls presented with their Year 12 badge. Sophie and Alexandra also led the Senior School in defining their individual vision for the year, and consolidating it by writing their vision on a post-it note to display on the Hall windows for all to see. The captains used Elton John inspired light-up spectacles to explain that everyone has their own perspectives and their own goals, which can still exist – and should be celebrated – within a larger vision.

With these wise words as a foundation for the year ahead, I think we can expect a bright year ahead.

Mr James Brown, Head of Year 12