From the Dean of Year 10

Already in Week 4 of Term 2, the exclamation of “How quickly this year is flying!” is regularly heard in the Year 10 Area outside my office. Indeed, the girls have been so keen to engage in a myriad of activities and initiatives, on top of their academic commitments! They really are an inspiring group of young women. The fact that they keep themselves so involved in school life (and life in general) is probably a reason why time seems to be moving so quickly. What is a very defining quality of this particular cohort is their beautifully vibrant energy and warm camaraderie. The girls are always very keen to get involved, to assist each other and to welcome new students. So, for these important qualities I thank and commend them.
The spirited intensity of Term One was astounding. So many of our Year 10 cohort were involved in the culmination of Rowing season, GSV Sports, Boot Camp, MAD Night as part of their musical and artistic pursuits, as well as the commencement of Debating and the US Exchange. It is no wonder that the girls welcomed a well deserved a brief break for Easter before Term Two, the exam term, resumed. Characteristically, the momentum, driven mostly by the girls themselves, continues. Some students have been pro-active and completed work experience, whilst a huge number of students are in the throes of completing their Leadership Diploma. It is wonderful to see the students working with staff members in the process of getting their initiatives off the ground.
In terms of the Wellbeing program, the students have been most responsive to the Nutrition Workshop with Adolescent Nutritionist, Melissa Whitelaw. They thoroughly enjoyed the Mindfulness in May meditation session with Megan James from Happy Melon, and just this Monday there were many who were so enthusiastic about their future as responsible drivers. The annual VicRoads Keys Please Driver Education session was an informative workshop where students were reminded of just another rite of passage that awaits them as they venture towards adulthood.
Adolescence is a time where young individuals are finding their way. In this often chaotic but also most beautiful world, we know the challenges that this involves. We know this very well. Some become more involved in school life than others. Some more overtly express their views whilst others are less vocal. We have to accept that every child is different and it inadvertently stands that, away from the blurring, melding effect of the peer group, every adolescent is also different, an individual on their own particular and exciting journey. It is this journey that also, ironically, connects and binds us. Navigating and finding the appropriate trajectory can be a challenge for both parents and educators. Too much pushing of our children can have the opposite of any desired effect. The lack of boundaries can also lead to other issues. It is indeed about listening to each other and finding a balance, whilst seeking to maintain a balance and a poise in our lives that honours every individual that comes along our path. The power of human connection cannot be underestimated. As part of the Year 10 weEmbrace Wellbeing program, we celebrate the fact that our girls embrace life, in every respect and encourage them to take the time to find balance, peace and joy within themselves. We wish our students every success in the upcoming midyear examinations and encourage them to enjoy this important phase of the learning process. They will find that by immersing themselves into their studies, the time again, will fly!