Following in Her Footsteps: The Simm/Morris Girls

A handful of St Catherine’s graduates have come together to share their memories of being young sports competitors and the joy they now find in watching their daughters compete for their School too. Over the coming weeks we share stories from these Old Girls and their daughters. This week we feature Ms Claire Simm (’97) and her daughters Charlotte, Year 6 and Lucinda, Year 4.

Ms Claire Simm (’97)

What sports did both you and your daughters play at St Catherine’s School?  

I loved being involved in many different sports during my time at St Catherine’s. Running is a passion of mine and I loved being part of the Cross-Country Team throughout my Junior and Senior years at School. I was fortunate enough to be Cross Country Captain in 1997. My daughter Charlotte Morris who is in Year 6, is also showing a keenness for running and was in the Cross-Country Team this year. I loved watching her compete in this event as it brought back great memories. Both my girls, Charlotte, and Lucinda, are enjoying Netball which I also played at School. We also share a love of Gymnastics and Tennis.   

How has playing the same sport helped strengthen your bond as a mother and daughter?  

I’m thrilled that Charlotte is enjoying long-distance running. We have loved training together and have also entered some fun runs together which has been a great bonding experience and a wonderful thing to share. Going to watch the girls’ Netball matches on the weekends has also been a lovely way to bond with them and stay involved in their sporting endeavours.   

Have you noticed any differences in the way you and your daughter approach the sport and how the sport is now played?  

I think my girls approach sport in a similar way to me – with effort and determination, but gratitude to be participating, and a supportive attitude towards their peers. They love watching their friends succeed and they appreciate that different girls will have different strengths in various sports. There are so many to choose from and there seems to be an even bigger range of choices than when I was at School. I also didn’t play Netball matches on weekends in Junior school, but it’s a nice addition to our weekends.   

Has playing the same sport as your daughter allowed you to support and motivate her during both the triumphs and setbacks in the sport?  

Understanding the various sports has helped me support Charlotte and Lucinda and teach them about the benefits of training. With running I have taught Charlotte to pace herself throughout each run and build up her fitness through regular training. I have also tried to instil in the girls that being part of a team is something to be proud of and it’s not always about winning or losing. In terms of Cross-Country, just completing each long race is an achievement worth celebrating in itself!   

What do you believe are the benefits of playing sport at school?   

It is such a positive experience to be involved in School Sport. It creates a wonderful bond between the girls and teaches them the benefits of being part of a team and working together. There is a strong sense of School spirit at St Catherine’s, and I love seeing the way the girls encourage each other and cheer each other on.   

Participating in sport is good for their physical and mental health and it’s also great to learn a variety of skills. I think school sport has so many benefits! Playing sports is fun but it is also about working hard to achieve results, which is true for all things in life. Sport is a great way to teach this lesson at a young age. The teachers/coaches play a key role in motivating, encouraging, and supporting the girls and Tom Crebbin does this so brilliantly. He is to be commended on his commitment to St Catherine’s Sport.    

Can you share some insights or fond memories of your time playing sport at St Catherine’s? 

I have very fond memories of my sporting endeavours at St Catherine’s. Not just of Cross-Country but also Rowing, Netball, Tennis, Gymnastics, Athletics and more. I have great memories of my team winning a bronze medal at the State Cross-Country championships and of my Rowing crew winning at the Head of Schoolgirls Regatta. It was an incredible feeling and sense of achievement. We had a strong bond as a Rowing crew and as well as being successful, we had so much fun. I hold the memories of this time close to my heart, as I do with all my treasured memories of my time at St Catherine’s.  

Charlotte and Lucinda Morris

How has having your Mum also being a St Catherine’s athlete helped you in your chosen sports?

Having our Mum also be a St Catherine’s athlete has really inspired Lucinda and me as she has been able to help and guide us through sports such as Netball, Gymnastics, Tennis, and especially Running.   

What do you enjoy about sharing these sports experiences with your Mum?

Sharing these sports experiences with our Mum has been very special. We have loved looking at old photos of her in sporting teams at St Catherine’s and hearing about her time there. We love being able to play sports together such as tennis and netball and we love going for runs together.   

What do you enjoy about participating in sports at St Catherine’s?

We really enjoy the sense of team spirit and being part of the St Catherine’s sports community. It is always full of positivity and everyone cheering each other on.   

Through playing sport at St Catherine’s, we have learnt that if feels great to be part of a team and to also watch our friends succeed.  

Some of our best sporting memories at St Catherine’s so far have been participating in Netball.  

Charlotte: I really enjoyed competing with the Cross-Country Team this year and being lucky enough to make it to Regional Hockey.   

Lucinda: I really liked participating in House Athletics this year and have enjoyed learning new things in P.E class. 

Claire Simm ('97), Charlotte and Lucinda Morris