Barbreck Health 2023 in Review

Throughout the year in Health, we covered areas of personal, social, and community health, divided into the following strands: Identities and Change; Interacting with Others; and Making Healthy and Safe Choices. 

Prep to Year 4 Health was taken by Mrs Jenny De Nardis, with Ms Samantha Basford, one of the Senior School Health and Physical Education teachers, taking Years 5 and 6.  

Term 1 focused on personal identities, behaviours, and respectful relationships. In Term Two all classes learnt and discussed the concepts of interacting with others and respectful relationships. 

One crucial aspect addressed was the concept of Body Safety Awareness. This term referred to the invaluable knowledge and skills that children acquired to recognise and respond effectively when their personal boundaries were crossed, especially concerning their bodies. Our aim was to empower children with the understanding of their right to physical autonomy, the significance of setting boundaries, and strategies to safeguard themselves from unwanted attention. 

By providing our students with education on body safety awareness, consent, and respectful relationships, we aimed to empower them with the tools they needed to navigate the world safely, with confidence, resilience, and a deep understanding of how to establish and maintain healthy, respectful connections with others. Together, we created an environment where every child could grow and thrive. 

Mrs Jenny De Nardis, Specialist Health Teacher