Year 4 Learning Beyond the Classroom 

At St Catherine’s, we believe that learning goes beyond the classroom, and this term, our students in Year 4 had some truly wonderful experiences.    

One of the highlights was our joint excursion with our Years 3 and 4 students to Sealife Melbourne Aquarium. Our young explorers embarked on a journey to discover the secrets of aquatic life and how different creatures interact within their habitats. The students learned about the important roles of consumers and producers in the ecosystem. They observed living things and grouped them into categories of producers and consumers. This hands-on experience expanded their understanding of the natural world and its intricate relationships.  

The Year 4 students also had the delightful opportunity to bond with their Year 3 peers during this excursion. The girls exchanged their excitement about the fascinating underwater world, sharing stories of aquatic animals and even learning their scientific names! The visit to Sealife was made memorable by moments like encountering penguins and having a chance to gently touch shark eggs and starfish in the rock pool.   

However, our talented Year 4 students did not just dive into the ocean of knowledge – they also created beautiful music waves. This term, they were part of the Heyington Choir, representing our School at the Victorian School Music Festival (VSMF). Under the guidance of our dedicated teachers Ms Dhono Isworo, Ms Kay, and Mrs Denmead, the students worked diligently to perfect their songs.   

At the VSMF, our girls showcased their musical prowess and dedication, performing the songs they had rehearsed with passion. They were not only treated to the melodies of their own performance but also enjoyed listening to other schools’ performances, finding inspiration in the harmony of music. Their hard work, perseverance, and commitment paid off in the form of the GOLD Award! We could not be prouder of their achievements. 


Ms Auveen Twomey, Year 4 Teacher