Term 3 has been full of events and exciting excursions. Our Heyington Choir travelled to the Box Hill Salvation Army on Wednesday 2 August to sing at VSMF and received a Gold Award for their singing.  

The Epstein Singers and Barbreck girls who participate in Senior School ensembles headed to Camp Oasis last week for Music Camp and we also have the Gala Concert, a Music Assembly and Bands Blast at the end of the term to rehearse for. There is so much to look forward to in Term 3. 

Before we move forward, I would like to take a moment to reflect on past events in Term 2, specifically one that happened in Week 6. The Years 5 and 6 girls gave us an amazing production of Seussical JR.  

Thinking back to that exciting and busy week, filled with rehearsals and six shows, brings me joy, laughter, and positive memories. Barbreck is so proud of this massive achievement and the level of skills the girls brought to the audience on stage. This will be a highlight of Junior School for most of our Years 5 and 6 leaders.  

I sincerely thank everyone who was involved in this production. All Junior School teachers and parents played a significant role in the success of Seussical JR. Thank you to Mr James Brown, St Catherine’s Head of Performing Arts, Mr Lachlan Campbell and Mrs Kate Denmead who directed the lighting, sound, and screen projections and Miss Kirrilly Wootton and Ms Lucy Mason, for stage managing and co-directing the show with me.  

Thanks also go to our dedicated Creative Arts Auxiliary for organising snacks, refreshments, and the gorgeous raffle doll, as well as our Maintenance Team for set up and pack down.  

The support from parents throughout the production was phenomenal. From ticket purchases and supporting the girls at home, getting them to school on time, keeping them healthy – thank you! A big show involves a big team working together! 

Next, we have some words from Sunny Xu and Charlotte Parfit, our 2023 Barbreck Music Captains. The Captains have reflected on their involvement in the Performing Arts Program and what they have learnt and the reason why they wanted to be Music Captains in 2023.  

Sunny Xu  

“Hi, my name is Sunny, and I am one of the 2023 Barbreck Music Captains. I play the violin and the bassoon, and I am involved in Senior Strings, Barbreck Strings, String Quartet, Percussion ensemble, Ukelele ensemble, Double reed ensemble, and the Years 6,7,8 Concert Band.   

I love music, and that inspired me to nominate for Music Captain. My role is to speak at Music events and be a spokesperson for Music. For example, I have participated in the recitals as a performer and speaker, and the Music Assemblies every term.    

2023 Barbreck Music Co-Captains Sunny Xu and Charlotte Parfit

So far, I have learnt that being a Music Captain is being an advocate for Music in Barbreck. Being a Captain is not just getting a badge. Some highlights from this semester are the recitals that Charlotte and I performed at, but something that really stood out was our Years 5 and 6 musical Seussical JR. I was a Jungle Citizen in the production, and it felt good to be a part of it, as well as watching it grow.    

I am proud of being a Music Captain and having the responsibilities that come with the role, like the Barbreck Talent Show which Charlotte and I will be co-hosting this semester and being a leader in general.”  

Charlotte Parfit 

“I’m Charlotte Parfit, one of Barbreck’s Music Captains for 2023. Music is just so special to me and that’s why I really wanted to be a Music Captain – to share this experience with all the Barbreck girls. As a Music Captain I have the opportunity to be a part of recitals, to see all the music talents we have at School and to work with the Senior School Music Captains and the Music teachers.    

I have the pleasure of congratulating each one of our performers and giving them encouragement when they need it. I also get to represent the Music Department at assemblies with the help of our Music Coordinator, Ms Dhono Isworo, and participate in the successful production of this year’s Years 5 and 6 musical, Seussical JR.   

I sing in the choir Epstein Singers, I participate in Percussion Ensemble, and I play the saxophone in Years 6,7, and 8 Concert Band. These ensembles have given me the opportunity to perform in concerts like the Years 7 & 8 Concert, the Music Assembly and the upcoming Gala Concert.     

I really enjoy playing the piano and the saxophone because it’s interesting to make music out of something as simple as blowing air or pressing keys. Music is a very important thing to me because it’s so beautiful and can be put into different genres such as pop, rock and classical. The speed/tempo can change to have a certain feel to the music. Also, when the dynamics are changed, it can sound very intriguing, almost like a reader on the edge of her seat.    

My future goal is to represent the School at music concerts and competitions such as the Gala Concert 2023, the Music Celebration Breakfast 2023, and the Junior School Concert.    

The highlight of Semester 1 for me is hosting the recitals and performing in the Musical and the Years 7 & 8 Concert. Hosting the recitals was so much fun, cheering on the young musicians who may have never performed before and giving them encouragement.     

Finally, I would love to organise Barbreck’s Got Talent 2023 with my Co-Captain. Last year’s talent show was really awesome, and it would be great to do the talent show again, so those who weren’t here to experience it last year, can participate and enjoy it. Thank You!” 

Ms Kristen Dhono Isworo, Junior School Performing Arts Coordinator