Barbreck Health: Consent Education

Introducing Consent Education at a young age establishes a foundation for understanding and respecting boundaries early on for children.  

Through early conversations in primary school, children are more likely to develop a positive and healthy understanding of consent, paving the way for ongoing discussions and further education as they grow. 

Last Term our Barbreck students discussed establishing healthy boundaries, developing effective communication skills, and reinforcing the culture of respect, empathy, and kindness. They explored the importance of self-awareness, focusing on thinking and feeling before acting.  

Each week we continue to share evidence of our learning and thoughts on how we can each navigate scenarios and future situations with kindness and respect. 

Have you heard the tune of Teeny Tiny Stevies or your children discussing the body safety rules at home? Explore the videos below to discover what the girls have been watching and learning in class when discussing consent. 

If you would like to explore current children focused books on this topic recommendations from Vanessa Hamilton, a consent education expert are My Body! What I Say Goes and Let’s Talk about Body, Boundaries, Consent and Respect by Jayneen Sanders. 


Ms Samantha Basford, Wellbeing Program Coordinator