From the Classroom – Year 6

This term, the Year 6 students have investigated the development of Australia’s federal parliamentary system and its key democratic principles and values.  

This has been an important component of the Civics and Citizenship strand of the HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) curriculum. The Year 6 students are really looking forward to their Canberra Study Tour in Week 2 of Term 3. There, they will visit and learn more about the Federal Parliament and how the government operates. Whilst on the Study Tour important learning about the role and importance of people, institutions, and processes to Australia’s democracy and legal system will be explored further.  

The girls have investigated and reported back on the rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens and the obligations they may have as global citizens. This study began with looking at the Magna Carta as a contract of Human Rights and then looked at the colonies of Australia and how and why they joined to become a nation.  

As part of this term’s study, students researched Prime Ministers of Australia and conducted a mock election to explore how preferential voting works in Australia. 

Mr Michael Day and Mrs Jodie Bacon, Year 6 Teachers