Stories From the Archives – 2000 – This is Tomorrow Calling

Our School’s incredible history has many wonderful stories that our community are deeply connected to. This year as we celebrate our 125th Year Anniversary, we invite you each week to step back in time through some of the many stories that make up the life at St Catherine’s School.

This is Tomorrow Calling

“In the future, classrooms will allows information technology to be used as naturally as we use electricity and telephone. The Classroom of the future will free students and teachers from the constraints of wires and cables, desks in rows, harsh lighting and bulky desk top computers. There will be flexible spaces where students move from a round-table discussion, to internet research, to preparing and delivering a multi-media presentation.

Since the earliest days of information technology’s application in education, St Catherine’s has embraced the opportunities provided by technology, and was one of the first school in Australia to introduce a laptop program.”

We invite you to read more about St Catherine’s journey with technology and how it evolved for the students and in the classroom and teaching spacing, here.