Stories From the Archives – 1897 – Annual Report Miss Jeanie Hood

Our School has a wonderful history and many stories that our community are deeply connected to. As we celebrate our 125 Year Anniversary, each week we invite you to step back in time through some of the many stories that make up the life at St Catherine’s.

Stories from the archives – 1897 – Annual Report Miss Jeanie Hood

“Our college year has passed quietly and uneventfully and although we have as yet no great successes to report, we can conscientiously say that the work throughout the School has been thorough and in some cases even brilliant.

During the recent epidemic of scarlet fever and diphtheria, we wore fortunate in not having a single, case amongst our pupils. We had a system of monthly examinations, which we find very beneficial, as it accustoms the girls to express themselves clearly and concisely, besides giving the teacher an opportunity of strengthening the weak points of each pupil. A record of these examinations is taken each month, and sent home to every parent to be signed, so that the parent can form a very good opinion of the progress being made. We pay special attention to history, the study of which we do all we can to encourage, for without an intelligent knowledge of the past, of the great men who have lived, and had their day, of the deeds which have won our Empire, can the Present be rightly understood? For the two — Past and Present — are irrevocably joined together.”

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