Year 5 – Gratitude Can Turn a Meal into a Feast

The Year 5 girls returned to our virtual classroom with lots of enthusiasm and excitement. They adapted quickly to the online learning platform and are enjoying sharing their learning with their peers through multiple platforms. During our Wellbeing session this week, we discussed gratitude and how staying at home has made us appreciate the many privileges we have in our lives. We discussed Melody Beattie’s quote and shared reflections of the things we feel most grateful right now.

These are some of the 5KW reflections:

Gratitude is to always love what you have, rather than to think of the things you don’t have. Gratitude is about thinking about what we do have. At the moment things are different but there’s still tonnes and tonnes of things to be grateful for, like I am grateful for spending more time with my family and also at the moment I get to go on lots of walks. This time has also made me think how important friends are (not that I didn’t before). I am also super thankful for the people helping the sick and keeping everyone healthy. Fleur Angenent 5KW

Gratitude is appreciating what someone has done for you. I am grateful that I have parents who can support me. I’m grateful that we have doctors who are trying to treat Covid 19. Lastly, I am grateful for rice, because it is delicious! Polly Moir 5KW

Gratitude means to me being grateful for what I have. I am thankful for having three meals a day and a family that loves me, also I am grateful to have a house to live in and a great school to go to. I am very thankful for all the doctors and nurses for keeping Australia healthy. Milla Cohen 5KW

Gratitude means to me being thankful. I am most grateful for my family and friends, to have shelter and what my teachers do for me! Selina Wang 5KW

Gratitude means to be appreciative for what you have. I am grateful for all my friends and family and all the Doctors and Medical workers that are keeping us healthy. Grace Mitsikas 5KW

Gratitude means to be thankful for everything. I am grateful for being healthy during Corona. I am also grateful to go to school because I can have a good education. Scarlett Stevenson-Kotsos 5KW

Gratitude means to me being grateful, thankful and respectful. I am most grateful for my family, friends and having a house to live in. Cici Lu 5KW

Gratitude means to me, my mum looking after me when I don’t feel well, having a kind and caring family who love me and good friends who always like to laugh and have fun. I am most grateful for having a warm home filled with happiness, love and wearing clothes and eating healthy food. Also going to a great school and having a chance to achieve my goals. Piper Pascoe 5KW

Gratitude is a feeling of being happy for what you have in your life and not being negative about everything you have. While I have been staying at home, I am most grateful for my family and friends, clean water and food, having a roof over my head, having a proper education and medical professionals to help us recover if we ever get sick. I am grateful for all of these things because they are very important to me now, more than ever.  Isabelle Potter 5KW 


Miss Kirrilly Wootton, Year 5 Teacher