Year 11 – To achieve great things in life is a choice

The girls certainly hit the ground running at the start of Term 1, transitioning into their VCE classes while also preparing for the Year 11 formal. The students commenced Term 1 in the same manner in which they completed it – with optimism and a determination to do their best.

Understanding that the step up from Year 10 to Year 11 can be filled with challenges it was extremely relevant for renowned success coach Darren Pereara to address the cohort early in Term 1 about VCE Success Strategies.

His opening quote To achieve great things in life is a choice. It’s never whether you can, it’s always whether you will” formed the basis for the interactive session which targeted four major themes.

  • Mindset – helping students develop a growth ‘mindset’ to raise their expectations, self-efficacy and motivation for academic success.
  • Study – giving students the simplest, most effective organisational tools, study and exam strategies, to maximise their academic results.
  • Motivation – inspiring students to set stretch goals, develop the positive self-talk, discipline and motivation to raise their achievement and beat their best.
  • Resilience – offering students effective coping strategies to help them develop the grit and persistence required to thrive socially, emotionally and academically


To ensure the students can remember and recall the message, Darren used an effective acronym – B.E.S.T which is explained as follows:

  • Belief: to raise their expectations and learning confidence to perform at their best in school and life
  • Excellence: systems to manage themselves, their time and their workload efficiently
  • Study: a tool kit of highly effective and easily implementable study techniques to measurably maximise their grades
  • Toughness: a variety of strategies to help students become resilient in the face of adversity and bounce back from setbacks.

The session was a resounding success given the feedback from the Year 11 students.

“This seminar taught me that the brain is adaptable and can be improved.”

“I now know how to study more efficiently.”

“I realised how much sleep I should be getting.”

“This seminar gave me some good strategies and tools.”

“I learnt a study technique which will benefit me in the best way during VCE.”

“I now have a more positive outlook.”

Midway through Term 1 students were definitely feeling the weight of expectation associated with the VCE and it was timely for the girls to experience some stress management strategies that they could continue to utilise in their daily lives.

‘Yogamigos’ yoga and mindful program focused on supporting the students to manage their stress whilst building strength, fitness and improving overall health and wellbeing. This opportunity for the girls to participate in small group yoga and mindfulness was invaluable and following the sessions they expressed that the experience given them the space to stop, breathe and clear their minds. They left the sessions feeling invigorated and focused.

Term 1 also was an opportunity for the Year 11 students to step into leadership roles, including House Arts, Student Representative Council and the Year 7/11 Mentor Program. It was fabulous to witness so many of the girls putting themselves forward to take on the leadership positions on offer and it has been as equally wonderful to see the girls embrace and flourish in their respective roles.

It was evident that as the term was drawing to a close that the Year 11 students had formulated a routine that was working for them to allow them to achieve their best academically, while managing their co-curricular involvement and keeping intact their social life.

Unfortunately, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic created a challenging environment for the girls that was filled with uncertainty. However, it is evident that while there has been disappointment, sadness and anxiety felt by the girls as a result of the pandemic, it has also highlighted their resilience, positivity and determination.

Mrs Tracey McCallum, Head of Year 11