ELC Update – Making connections with nature…

Young children generally have an innate desire to explore the natural world. This curiosity supports them to learn about and make connections with the world around them.

The children in the Early Learning Centre often spend time observing objects from nature and the natural world. Our philosophy places emphasis on the importance of nature. Through the Learn@Home Program the children can also be provided with opportunities to discover the natural world.

They regularly engage in investigation and research regarding the origins of trees, plants, natural items and the seasonal changes. Often, the children represent their interpretations through the ‘hundred languages’. As the children learn more about nature, they begin to understand, connect with and respect the natural world.

Current seasonal changes in the gardens around our homes provide the perfect catalyst for investigating nature. Which tree did this leaf come from? How did this pinecone grow? Why do the leaves change colour? Take the opportunity to head outdoors, get some fresh air and go on a nature walk throughout your neighbourhood to explore these seasonal changes with your child. They will enjoy collecting natural materials along the way which can then be used for a range of drawing, collage, threading and sorting experiences upon your return.

Recently, the children received a seed planting experience in their ELC ‘Project Bag’. We encourage the children to plant their seeds now so that they can observe and monitor the growth of the seeds over the coming weeks. This is another way that they can make connections with nature through the Learn@Home program.

“The importance of learning about and connection to nature cannot be more highly emphasized.  If we really want children to thrive we need to let their connection to nature nurture them.” Claire Warden

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of ELC