St Catherine’s Students Use Their Japanese Skills in Authentic Ways

Students who are learning a language at school do not often get an opportunity to use it in real life situations unless they travel. Yet, our girls recently had two remarkable opportunities to use their Japanese skills in authentic ways.
Model United Nations Conference
On Thursday 22 August, the Model United Nations Conference, conducted in Japanese, was held at the Treasury Theatre. Over 90 students representing 11 Victorian schools participated in a debate on the topic ‘Achieving Gender Equality: Empowering Women and Girls’.
Three of our Year 11 students, Amber Liong, Margaret Handolias and Alice Menzies-King, represented the Republic of Liberia. Prior to the day, they researched the country and its stance on the issue. Alice presented the initial position statement with Amber and Margaret contributing to the caucus discussion.

Alice Menzies-King, Margaret Handolias and Amber Liong with the Japanese Consul-General of Japan, Mr Kazuyoshi Matsunaga.
All three students employed a high level of Japanese language skills. During the caucus, they campaigned successfully to amend the Draft Resolution. They deserve to be congratulated on representing themselves and the School in the best possible way.

Amber Liong, Margaret Handolias and Alice Menzies-King represented the Republic of Liberia at the Model United Nations Conference, conducted in Japanese.
Shukutoku Junior High School Visits St Catherine’s
Between 23 and 26 August, St Catherine’s hosted our sister school, Shukutoku Junior High School from Nagoya. The Japanese students had a tremendous time at our School and seemed to rapidly gain an insight into many aspects of Australian culture and spirit.
St Catherine’s students were given the opportunity to interact with native speakers, which they enjoyed. They gained satisfaction from drawing on knowledge acquired during their Japanese studies. We will visit Shukutoku in December and cement our friendship further.

St Catherine’s students enjoyed the opportunity to interact with students from Shukutoku Junior High School.
Japanese language students have now seen that studying languages at school is not for tests or examinations only, but for making the world a better place by promoting understanding.