From our Environment Captain

Georgina Moreton, 2023 Environment Captain

I was thrilled to be elected Environment Captain for 2023. I have enjoyed every moment leading such a unique, driven, and passionate team of environmentalists during my final year of school. I am so proud of the number of activities we have achieved this year.

We began the year partnering with Bardee, a Melbourne-based Agri-Tech start-up which was founded by Old Girl, Miss Phoebe Gardner (‘11). The successful integration of this project within the School has revolutionised our waste management system. All food waste from the Mary Davis Café and Boarding House kitchens are now collected by Bardee, where it is transformed into agricultural fertilisers rather than decomposing in landfill. Using this initiative, I hoped to have transformed our relationship with food waste by putting St Catherine’s on the map as an environmentally responsible community.

The Environment Club also hosted a Book Drive with the Nicholas Library in support of primary school students affected by the traumatic bus crash near Melton. Students from all Year levels donated second-hand books to raise money. It was a pleasure to see our community support children in need of home accessibility modifications by selling over 100 books.

It was amazing to finish off the year with a bang with our Sustainability Market. So many students got involved to contribute to sustainable clothing practices. All money raised went directly to supporting a local homeless youth organisation.

I would like to thank our wonderful members, Ms Jackson-McRae and Ms Madeleine Pasznyk for all their help.

It has been an honour to be your Captain.

Georgina Moreton, 2023 Environment Captain