From the Head of Year 12, 2023

It has been my absolute pleasure to have been the Head of Year for the Class of 2023 for the last three years. It is with great joy that we reflect on an incredible year that has been filled with exceptional achievements, personal growth, and the indomitable spirit of our graduating Class of 2023 

As I look back on the year, one thing stands out above all – the unwavering dedication and hard work that each Year 12 student has put into their academic endeavours. Their commitment to excellence has been nothing short of remarkable. I am genuinely proud of their accomplishments. The grades and achievements earned are a testament to their resilience, intelligence, and tenacity. 

Yet, the journey this year has been about so much more than grades. It has been a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the development of lifelong skills. Each student has evolved, both academically and personally. Passions have been discovered, talents honed, and a growth mindset has been utilised in order to overcome challenges with grace and determination.  

Moreover, the Year level has shown remarkable empathy and compassion towards one another and our wider St Catherine’s community. Individually and collectively, they have pursued a wide range of interests in Music, Sports, Performing and Visual Arts, and Debating realms to name just a few. Several fundraisers were led by the Cohort, all resulting in funds being raised and a greater awareness of the relevant initiative. 

To the Class of 2023 remember that finishing school is not an ending but a new beginning. As you venture out into the world, I have no doubt that your resilience, intelligence, and compassion will lead you to success and fulfilment. Embrace challenges as opportunities, continue to learn and grow, and remember that the bonds you have formed during your time at St Catherine’s will always be a source of strength and support. Congratulations on your remarkable achievements and know that the best is yet to come for each one of you. 


Mrs Linda Morgan, Head of Year 12