In the lead up to Christmas this year, we will be supporting the Koala Kids Foundation, once again. This Foundation supports helping children and adolescents undergoing cancer treatments in Victoria. To give Barbreck families plenty of time to purchase a gift and in doing so give a little joy to these families, we are promoting this worthwhile cause early.  

I encourage all our wonderful Barbreck families to generously support this cause. I am sure you would understand the financial strain many of these families are under and would empathise with how hard Christmas being spent in hospital would be.  

Each girl in a class will be asked to purchase a gift for someone, with half the class buying for a girl and the other half for a boy. This will ensure a good distribution of gifts for all ages and genders. Click here for a list of gift ideas provided by the Koala Foundation. 

All items must be brand new and in original packaging. This is essential as children and young people undergoing cancer treatment are extremely immunocompromised and hygiene is of the utmost importance.  

The Barbreck Christmas tree will be erected soon in Reception, adding even more cheer to the final weeks of the year. Gifts can be placed under the tree any time up to the last few days of the school year. They will then be gathered, and the Foundation will collect them in time for Christmas. I thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting this worthwhile cause. 

Helping your daughters navigate life

Girls form strong bonds during their school years, akin to the sisterhood experience. Like any siblings, they may encounter disagreements, which is a natural part of their development.  

What holds significance is how they navigate these conflicts. As educators and parents, it becomes imperative for us to recognise our role in equipping them with the skills to resolve disputes effectively. 

The primary years mark a crucial phase for children to develop social skills such as friendship-building, negotiation, compromise, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Rather than viewing disagreements as mere disruptions, we should perceive them as valuable learning opportunities. Here are some key aspects to consider during these teachable moments: 

Clear Communication 

Children need to articulate their feelings without resorting to hostility or accusations. Encourage practising communication skills during calmer times to enhance their ability to express themselves in the heat of a conflict. 

Emotional Awareness 

Children often react emotionally to situations. It is essential for parents and educators to remain composed and differentiate between facts and emotions. Uncover what actually happened, the events leading up to the situation, the involved parties, and their responses. 

Calm Resolution 

Engage with children in a calm, soft-spoken manner, positioning yourself at their eye level. Listen attentively to all sides of the conflict and guide them in generating ideas to resolve the problem. Rather than imposing solutions, encourage them to formulate their own plans. 

Guided Problem-Solving 

Act as a sounding board for children, asking guiding questions such as “Have you considered this in your plan?” or “What will you do if this happens?” This approach empowers them to develop problem-solving skills and make informed decisions. 

Understanding Child Perspectives 

Recognise that children are not miniature adults. They navigate conflicts emotionally and are still learning to approach situations with a calm perspective. They recover from disagreements swiftly and prioritise restoring their friendships. 

Adult Guidance, Not Interference 

Refrain from directly intervening in conflicts. Instead, guide and support them in resolving the situation independently. This guidance is particularly applicable to common disputes, distinguishing them from more serious issues like bullying. 

By fostering these skills and perspectives, we contribute to the holistic development of children, empowering them to navigate conflicts with resilience and empathy.  


22 November Senior School Speech Night 6:30pm
24 November PFA Christmas Fair 4.00pm to 8.00pm
29 November Junior School Concert 6.00pm
1 December Transition Day for 2024 classes
4 December Year 6 Celebration Dinner 6.00pm to 8.00pm
5 December NEW DATE!! House Swimming (Years 3 to 6)
6 December Junior School Carol Service 2.00 to 3.00pm, Toorak Uniting Church
7 December Final Assembly 11.00am
7 December End of School Year 12.30pm
Ms Karen McArdle, Head of Junior School