The Resilience Project Parent Webinar

St Catherine’s School warmly invites our parent community to a special event hosted by The Resilience Project Team and featuring renowned speaker Mr Hugh van Cuylenburg. 

This webinar is designed to provide parents and carers with valuable insights into the importance of authentic connections when building positive relationships with children. 

The webinar will be held on Tuesday 9 May from 6:30pm to 7:30pm AEST. This one-hour session will offer a unique opportunity to learn from an expert in the field. Hugh will share his expertise and strategies for creating strong connections that lead to improved communication and a deeper understanding between parents, carers, and children. 

Registration is essential. Please register now to secure your spot and be part of this insightful event!


What to Expect 

Through emotionally engaging stories and practical strategies, the webinar will help parents and carers understand the benefits of letting go of shame, perfection, ego, and control. 

The webinar will combine powerful research with candid storytelling, along with a few laughs to help support what is arguably the toughest job in the world… being a parent or carer!

Why a Parent & Carer presentation?

When building positive mental health in schools, we know the best impact happens when we work together.

The ‘Authentic Connection’ webinar helps do just that by sharing those same evidence-based strategies being taught in the classroom, so they can also be practised at home and beyond. 

Attendees will also be reminded of the importance of their own wellbeing, understanding that we bring the best versions of ourselves to our family and community, when we make time to look after ourselves.