A Celebration of Learning 

The children in Campbell House have been reflecting on their year of learning and together each class has compiled a ‘Celebration of Learning’ to share with their families. To begin, the children reflected on, and discussed, the many inquiries and experiences they have engaged in this year. They then selected some of these key interests to incorporate in their celebration. Each celebration included a range of singing, movement, dance, drama, artwork, audio, and video connected with the children’s key interests and ideas. 

Over the past few days, the children have excitedly shared their ‘Celebration of Learning’ with their families. We are so proud of the focus and confidence displayed by the children as they shared their work with their families. The joy in the children’s faces and the delight and emotion in family members reminds us of how precious these shared special experiences are for all. 

End of Term 

Please be reminded that Term 4 will conclude for the ELC children on Friday 9 December at 12.00pm. After School Care is available on this day from 12.00pm to 6.00pm, however bookings will need to be made in advance directly with After the Bell. 

Vacation Care Program 

After the Bell will once again be offering vacation care from Monday 12 December to Wednesday 21 December, and Monday 9 January to Friday 20 January (subject to required numbers). 

This program will be run by After the Bell staff in the ELC building/grounds. Bookings are essential and need to be made directly with After the Bell. 

Please contact After the Bell on 9794 5722 or admin@afterthebell.com.au 

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of Early Learning