Olympic Change-Maker – Mietta Passon

Congratulations to 2022 Olympic Change-Maker, Mietta Passon, Year 11. 

Mietta is one of 24 young leaders selected from over 900 change-making nominees to be invited by the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) to attend this year’s National Summit in Canberra. 

During the Summit, Mietta will join with Olympians and representatives of the AOC to share the future of the Olympic movement in Australia, with the aim of benefitting people in communities across the country. 

The Change-Maker Award recognises the leaders among us who epitomise the Olympic Spirit by inspiring positive change in their community. Mietta has achieved great success through her sporting pursuits, representing St Catherine’s in Snowsports, Tennis, AFL, and Rowing. 

Alongside her sport, Mietta has worked to raise awareness and funds for a cause close to her heart, FightMND. Over the past two years, Mietta has organised a fundraising event at school, the Big Freeze Slide, alongside the sales of FightMND beanies.

Well done, Mietta, we are all so proud of you! 

“The Olympic Change-Maker Program is an incredible initiative which allows hundreds of students, Australia wide, to participate in innovative and progressive change in future Olympic journeys. Sarah Marriott, currently in Year 12, is an unbelievably successful rower who also had the privilege of participating in this Program.  

Sarah spoke very highly of her experience which encouraged me to accept the Change-Maker position as well as nominate myself for the National Summit Committee in which 25 students are chosen for further discussion of ideas at the Australian Olympic Institute in Canberra.  

The National Summit event occurs in December. During the Summit students collaborate with various Olympians and experts in the sporting industry, ultimately allowing for the voice of this generation to be heard. Yesterday, following a very competitive House Captains’ meeting, Mr Racina informed me that my nomination had been successful! Immediately I messaged Sarah who responded with, in all capitals, “OMG YAY!!” followed by 10 different emojis.  

I am very thankful for being accepted into this amazing program, and even more thankful for the support of Mr Racina and Sarah Marriott who encouraged me to participate in the first place.”

Mietta Passon, Year 11 student & Olympic Change-Maker