From the Head of Year 10 – Gratitude Practice for Post Lockdown

Being grateful is such an important practice to hold onto in this changing world in which we live. Simply noticing things we are thankful for can provide such a positive impact to our lives.

According to researchers, Emmons and Stern (2013), “gratitude practice is systematically paying attention to what is going right in one’s life, to see the contributions that others make in these good things, and then expressing gratitude verbally and behaviourally”.

It is a practice we should always prioritise and in fact many of us did, during lockdown. Now that Melbourne is opening up once more, the gratitude practices we developed in lockdown will hopefully continue in our everyday lives. But, how do we do this and how can we make it a lifelong habit?

It may involve keeping a journal, volunteering, writing a thank you message to someone or asking yourself who, or what, inspired me today or, what is the best thing that happened today?

Often during Year 10 level time I ask the cohort, “What is something nice that you did yesterday or that made you smile?”

The responses are often something they saw, a story about their pet or time spent with a friend or family member either when out walking or online. The conversations were about being ‘in the moment’ and taking note of a positive time they experienced in their day.

A much-admired colleague I worked with kept a journal, and every night he wrote down three things he was grateful for in his day. He said it made him see the day through a positive lens and enabled him to reset for the following day.

As the Year 10s readjust to learning at School on a full-time basis, we will spend time discussing the benefits of being grateful for the many people and moments that have made a positive impact on their lives this year.

Our Year 10s truly are an extraordinary Year group who are extremely supportive of each other. I have no doubt they will find ways of expressing how thankful they are for all those who have helped them navigate their way through the journey of life as we know it.

Emmons, R. & Stern, R. Gratitude as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention, Journal of Clinical Psychology, August 2013

Ms Linda Morgan, Head of Year 10