Stories from the Archives – 1982 – The Challenge of the Computer

Our School’s incredible history has many wonderful stories that our community is deeply connected to. This year as we celebrate our 125th Year Anniversary, we invite you each week to step back in time through some of the many stories that make up the life at St Catherine’s School.

St Catherine’s has taken on the challenge of the rapid­ly growing technological age with the purchase earlier this year of a Spectrum mini­ computer package.

It comprises a computer with five video terminals plus a high speed card reader and a line printer. The computer allows five stu­dents to work the terminals simul­taneously while others in the class use the card reader.

John Gowdie, Head of St Catherine’s Mathematics Depart­ment, is responsible for the Com­puter teaching program. He hopes to develop a range of Com­puter courses to enable maximum use of the new equipment which is even now used by two-thirds of the School’s 395 senior students.

In recent years St Catherine’s has put more emphasis on Math­ematics. Students up to and in­cluding Year 10 take one Math­ematics subject. And this year eighty percent of Year 11 and 12 students take one Mathematics subject or more.

Mr. Gowdie sees the computer system as having three main ap­plications for St. Catherine’s. Its first is as an aid to teaching, espec­ially for Mathematics. For HSC students, computing is an option in Applied and Gen­eral Mathematics. Computing is also taught at Year 10 and 11.

Mr. Gowdie has designed a special course for Year 10, Con­sumer Mathematics, which has one section looking at a more practical approach of using the computer to solve problems. As well, Year 7, 8 and 9 students and Mathematics and Science staff are teaching introductory courses in Computer Operations and Pro­gramming.

The second application of the computer is for administrative use – compiling staff class lists, help­ing in time-tabling and in survey work for geography classes. The third application would be for computer-assisted instruction. There are plans to use it perhaps for remedial teaching and for language classes.

Excerpt taken from St Catherine’s News, December 1982

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