ELC Update – Transition to Prep in 2021

It is the time of year when our 4-year-old learners commence the next important step in their educational journey, the transition to Prep. This can be both an exciting and overwhelming time for children and parents as the children adjust to this change.

Given the disruptive nature of the children’s year, it is important now more than ever that early childhood services, schools and parents work together to support the children’s transition to school. Transition to School Programs will look quite different this year. Most schools have begun modifying their transition and orientation programs according to the current restrictions. You will find that many transition and orientation activities will be offered in the digital domain.

Although opportunities for learning in the classroom context have been interrupted this year, please be reassured that the children’s early learning experience over the past two years and the work that they have been doing in the Learn@Home program will have ensured that they have developed a range of learning, skills and abilities that will form the basis for continued learning.

A consistent term of classroom learning in Term 4 will see the children ready to take these next big steps. Schools are well aware of the children’s disrupted early learning experience this year and have begun making plans to support the children’s learning and wellbeing upon commencement. You will find that schools will be flexible, adaptable and responsive to meet the children’s needs in 2021.

Each school will have a slightly different transition and orientation program and timeline. Please refer to the specific orientation information provided by your child’s school. It is important that you work closely with your child’s school to provide any background information or complete any forms that are required. Our ELC Teachers will also communicate with individual schools as they make contact to seek input from the Teacher to support the child’s transition. 

The ELC 4-year-old teachers will also complete a ‘Transition Learning and Development Statement’ for each child. This is a government required document for all children’s transition to school. The Transition Statement is a summary of the child’s learning and development, including their abilities and individual approaches to learning. The statement is designed to support the child’s continuity of learning as they transition to school. Families will also be required to have input into the Transition Statement. Once completed, the Transition Statement is provided to the child’s school late in Term 4 so that the Prep Teacher can commence planning for your child’s transition.

Supporting the children’s transition to school in 2021 will be a key priority for both the ELC and schools. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s transition to school, please feel welcome to contact your child’s class teacher.

2021 Prep Orientation at St Catherine’s

Our Orientation Program aims to provide a seamless transition for your daughter. Following on from our first information webinar in August, our 2021 Prep families are invited to join our panel of experts – our 2020 Prep students together with Prep teacher Miss Annie Taylor online on Wednesday 16 September at 2.30pm. They are thrilled to be able to share with you, their journey through prep including many of the wonderful experiences, albeit a little differently than usual, along the way.

Storytime with Miss Taylor

Reading and storytelling with your child promotes brain development and imagination, teaches your child about language and emotions, and strengthens your relationship.  Our prep teacher, Miss Taylor is a wonderful storyteller and we invite you to create some special time to share in the delight of the story with your child, because anytime is a good time for a story!

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of ELC