2021 Year 7 Orientation

In preparation for your daughter’s transition into St Catherine’s Senior School in 2021, our Orientation Program provides students with a program that aims to guide a sense of connectedness and belonging prior to commencing in 2021.

Our Orientation scheduled for Thursday 23 July will now move to an online induction featuring welcome a presentation from Principal, Mrs Michelle Carroll and Head of Year 7, Ms Skye Stansfield. Students will then be broken up into small online groups for a short program of fun and interactive activities, providing them with the opportunity to begin making the special connections they need to transition smoothly.

Thursday 23 July Online Program schedule
Session details
9.00am  Student welcome and introduction to Senior School
9.15am – 10.00am Student groups online

At this stage, the remaining Orientation dates and program remain unchanged. We will, however, update you on any changes should they be required.

  • Orientation 2 – 31 August 8.30am – 3.00pm
  • Orientation 3 – Wednesday 11 November 8.45 am – 3.00pm
  • Parent Information Evening – Wednesday 11 November 7.00pm

If your daughter is unable to attend our first Orientation Session, please notify the Admission Office by email –  admissions@stcatherines.net.au