ELC – Waratah Room – Considering Ourselves

The Waratah Room children are currently being invited to observe their mirror image and create a self-portrait. Their early drawings will act as a point of reflection to measure their growth as they progress through the year.

The primary objective of this experience is for the children to forge a strong sense of self. ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What do I look like?’ are a selection of the questions that the children will continue to revisit and reflect upon when devising their self-portraits. As they are reflecting, the children are noticing their physical features such as skin tone, hair and eye colour, and then proceeding to represent and celebrate these unique observations through their work.

As an extension, the Waratah Room children are also engaging in group discussions about emotions that they have both experienced themselves and recognised in others. The children were invited to respond to the newly introduced ‘Feelings Tree’; a poster which acts as a tool to aid in articulating and making meaning about how we feel. This addition to the Waratah Room is beneficial and supportive for visual learners and inspires rich discussion amongst the children pertaining to interacting with others with care, empathy and mutual respect.

The classroom also features a ‘Child Safe’ poster that the children have been introduced to, promoting a deeper sense of wellbeing. As a group, we are working towards the collective understanding that emotions are important as they can influence how we socialise, as well as how and what we learn. This will be an ongoing area of learning.

“I have feelings, so do you.”


Miss Kristina Schrader, Waratah Room Teacher