Take in The Moments in Time That Pass So Quickly A...
This will be our final Blue Ribbon for 2019, although, I shall communicate the VCE achievements of our Year 12 students next week.
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This will be our final Blue Ribbon for 2019, although, I shall communicate the VCE achievements of our Year 12 students next week.
Read more...As a member of the 24 strong GSV (Girls Sport Victoria) competition, St Catherine’s School has had the opportunity to be involved in an extensive range of sports.
Read more...The Year 6 students celebrated the completion of their primary school years at their Graduation on Wednesday of this week.
Read more...The Science Talent Search was an amazing experience for us to work together as a group to make something spectacular.
Read more...It is hard to believe that the year is now drawing to a close! As we reflect, we can celebrate a year which has been highlighted by immense learning, discovery, friendship and community.
Read more...The children in the Blue Gum Room prepared and enjoyed a special lunch in their classroom to celebrate their year together.
Read more...In this final week of term, the PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop would like to warmly thank every parent and member of the School community for their generous donations and kind support over the course of the year.
Read more...We are pleased to advise that our koala appeal at the St Catherine's School Christmas Fair raised $570.75, which has been donated to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital.
Read more...I would like to congratulate everyone who participated in DAV Debating and Public Speaking in 2019. Earlier this year in the Senior Debating season, we had 23 Best…
Read more...St Catherine’s School’s renowned Visual Arts program has been acknowledged by the shortlisting of Year 12 students Stella Fry, Charlotte Zelouf and Amelia Chambers for Top Designs and Lulu (Katherine) Murrell for Top Arts.
Read more...As a member of the 24 strong GSV (Girls Sport Victoria) competition, St Catherine’s School has had the opportunity to be involved in an extensive range of sports.