The children in the Banksia Room have continued their engagement into structures and buildings. One of the children’s work samples was shared as a catalyst for class discussion.

“Daddy works in a big, tall building that’s really high…They’re the holders, to hold up my daddy’s building so it doesn’t fall down and bump his head,” said Beatrice explaining her artwork.

“The cement glues it in. It sticks concrete. It’s super hard,” suggested Jack R.

“Stays up right, tight. Cement holds on really tight,” added Jack J.

“Stands hold them up, so strong,” proposed John.

“Bricks are nice and steady, that means they don’t fall,” thought Lucy.

“Cement around holders stick to the ground,” clarified Beatrice.

“The bricks can hold them really strong. Dig a hole and put concrete in and put bricks in,” said Clinton.

“The holders stick the ground, they need cement. The cement goes into a truck and it goes round and round to get ready. Then the truck goes back and puts the cement into the bottom. The cement will go hard and stay there forever,” revised Beatrice.

After the discussion, educators invited the children to use a ‘graphic language’ to communicate their thoughts and current theories about how tall buildings stand. Educators are excited to gather the children’s theories of the entire building process.

Ms Nadia Durrant, Banksia Room Early Learning Teacher