Mother’s Day Celebrations

In celebration of Mother’s Day, each of the four Early Learning classrooms in Campbell House held a special event to mark the occasion.

The laughter, love and beautiful interactions between the young children and their special guest was so wonderful for us, as educators, to observe.The morning tea, carefully prepared and served by our young learners was thoroughly appreciated and the warm chatter highlighted this!

The photos in today’s edition of The Blue Ribbon speak volumes of the snippets of the joy and love shared in each room.

A heartfelt thank you is fully in order for all the Campbell House staff for their wonderful preparation. No detail was too small and everything was well attended and beautifully prepared.

Blue Gum

Earlier this year, we observed the Blue Gum Room children’s emerging interest in transport and roads.  The children were regularly observed building road networks with the blocks of Lego and using cars or trucks to drive around the roads.  To extend this interest, we offered the children the opportunity to create their own roads to add to the play.  They used pieces of balsa wood, which they have painted the colour of the road.  Next, they discussed the line markings on the roads and researched this on the iPad.  Following further discussion, the children decided that they would like to expand on this project.  They wanted to create buildings, trees and gardens, and street signs to add to the roads to create a road network and cityscape.  This has become an ongoing project over the course of the Term with children involved in various aspects of the process from discussion to design and construction.  It has been exciting to see the children’s first collaborative project come to life and to observe the thinking, discussion and problem solving that has taken place through this process.


Ms Sarah Bethune, Blue Gum Teacher/ ELC Coordinator