Special Visitors in Campbell House

Recently, the students in Campbell House invited two special people in their lives to join them in their classroom, and then to explore and enjoy the outdoor play spaces with them.

The children were highly excited and the anticipation of their guests’ arrival was palpable. The same was evident in the faces of the special visitors and grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents, neighbours, babysitters and others treasured by our students which were beaming as they walked towards their young person. The power which love, care, guidance and genuine interest can have on our young learners was clearly demonstrated as students relished in the attention, warm hugs and cuddles from their visitors.

“Children’s learning and development is not confined to a single environment, but it is continually influenced by a dynamic interplay between all those environments inhabited by the child”.

Geraldine French, Independently Early Years Specialist, Ireland.

Connections and special relationships are so powerful and influential as children grow up.

News from Wattle Room

Following an excursion to CERES Community Environment Park earlier in Term 2, the Wattle Room children began questioning the role that bees play in our world. Resources, such as honey and bee puzzles, which support mathematical concepts, were introduced into the program to encourage further exploration and discussion. A visual art experience regarding different types of bees, beehives and honeycombs was facilitated to support the children’s emerging questions. The children’s understanding has evolved to find that bees give us so much more than honey. A collaborative project is currently underway owing to the children’s wishes to create their own honeycomb, a hive, bees and many, many flowers. The children’s curiosity continues to drive their learning, prompting them to open new doors and take new paths to discover new ideas.

Miss Kristina Schrader, Wattle Room Teacher
Nut Awareness

St Catherine’s is a Nut Aware School. We remind parents that students cannot bring nut/nut products (eg. Nutella/Peanut Butter) to School. We have a number of students who are anaphylactic to nuts of all varieties and we ask all families to observe the School policy with regard to this matter.

Mrs Alana Moor, Head of ELC and Junior School