Number One Girls School in Victoria

St Catherine’s School has been ranked as the number one girls school in Victoria. With a median Study Score of 37 out of 50, and 32.2% of students’ individual Study Scores at 40 or above.

These School results, along with the remarkable individual achievements of our Class of 2021, including a median ATAR of 92.1, place St Catherine’s in the top four performing schools in Victoria.Top girls' school in Victoria

The continued growth of our VCE results over the past four years are indicative of our exceptional teachers and rigorous educational programs. Three years ago, St Catherine’s commenced a partnership of professional learning for our teachers with the University of Queensland, to embed a Thinking Agenda for every girl, in every classroom.

Our outstanding VCE results in 2021, are testament to this targeted program and the exceptional academic care our teachers provide to every student, particularly during the challenges of the COVID pandemic over the past two years.

Emily Ryan, one of St Catherine’s School’s 2021 Duces comments, “there were times this year when things were difficult and it was challenging to stay motivated. My teachers were always understanding, approachable and willing to help in whatever way they could. They were always flexible with their time and so passionate about what they were teaching, this really inspired me to be passionate about my learning too.” Read more about Emily’s VCE journey here.

As a School we congratulate our Class of 2021 for their sustained commitment and determination. Their success is testament to the fortitude, diligence and perseverance shown by each student in the most extraordinary of circumstances. As an open entry school, we are proud of the achievements of all students and to be ranked as the top girls’ school in Victoria.

To learn more about St Catherine’s academic excellence click here.

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