Barbreck Library – Our Happy Place

Our Library Captains for 2022, elected by their peers, are Olivia Batt and Alexia Chatfield. During Term 1 they have been learning the responsibilities of the position including speaking at assemblies, assisting during lunchtimes, and planning Library competitions and activities.

The Barbreck Library is a sanctuary for many of our students who spend time each day relishing in the space. The Library is open from 8.00am each day and lunchtimes Monday through to Wednesday. Students like to come in and relax on a bean bag, return and borrow books, play board games (chess is popular) or draw in a quiet space.

All classes in the Junior School also visit each week to engage with literature, work with databases, and learn effective research skills.

Students in Year 6 this term got to select their “Happy Place” and write a description of their setting.

Here are two excerpts from student writing pronouncing the Library as their “Happy Place”:

Kids draw portraits of their friends and talk excitedly to them. In their heads, they are dreaming, imagining, and believing. The Library makes you do this. It makes you ponder, explore, visualise and invent. It makes you have an optimistic outlook on life and helps you to feel calm and relaxed.

Alexia 6C

I feel my fingers slowly touching the covers of the books. The soft, smooth feeling of the pages, makes me dazed with excitement. I pick up the book and it is slightly heavy, thicker than usual. I walk across the room and sit down at the end of the table. Flipping over the first piece of paper, I see the name of one of my favourite authors, Rick Riordan, the creator of Percy Jackson. My happy place is the Library.

Cindy 6C

Ms Cindy Requin

Head of Barbreck Library

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