News from the St Catherine’s School Foundation

St Catherine’s School is very fortunate to have such a supportive and giving community, especially important in these challenging times.

Earlier this month, we shared with our Foundation members the 2021 Foundation Prospectus and recommend it to our whole community now.

We are also excited to launch our new Foundation website.

We invite you to take the journey with us by viewing the Foundation web pages where you will learn about ambitious plans to provide more financial support to girls’ education.

You will find details of important projects that directly impact the lives of all students present and future, including:

  • The Blackbox Theatre (Building Fund)
  • Introduction of the Old Girls’ Excellence Bursary and other Scholarship Fund initiatives
  • Details of the Hardship Fund Giving Day date and target
  • Our 125 Anniversary Archives and Heritage Trail Project (Library Fund).

We look forward to delivering these initiatives in partnership with you.

Mrs Sally Joubert Chair, St Catherine’s School Foundation