ELC – Learn@Home Program

As we make a mid-term pivot from classroom learning to the Learn@Home Program in line with the current Stage 4 restrictions for Melbourne, we look forward to working together with our Campbell House children and parents to enable learning in the home environment.

Our key focus throughout this period is to ensure that our early learning programs provide a continuity of learning whilst maintaining a daily routine for the children and a need for connection with their peers via Microsoft Teams. 

Importantly, at this time of such uncertainty, it is essential that we work together in partnership, care for one another and ensure kindness remains foremost in our thoughts. The wellbeing of your child is our priority. We understand that they may be experiencing feelings of worry and uncertainty about what is occurring in the world around them, and the restrictions we are currently placed under. I will be providing resources and strategies to support parent conversations with young children about such matters.

Despite our current inability to interact and communicate in person, Campbell House remains a united community and source of support. Our educators remain a familiar face and voice to your children. By participating in the Learn@Home Program, this will provide the children with a necessary sense of routine and connection to the learning community.

I extend my kind thoughts to all ELC children and families and hope that you remain safe and well over the coming weeks. We will look forward to the time when we can re-unite and Campbell House is once again filled with learning and laughter.

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of ELC