ELC – A new teaching and learning landscape

Find out more about the ELC Learn@Home program

This week saw the commencement of Term Two in a new teaching and learning landscape. Our young learners have now commenced the ELC Learn@Home Program.

The program is designed to provide the children with a range of learning offerings in the home environment. Each morning, the children access their classroom portal page to view the experiences that have been provided by their teacher. They then select an activity and set themselves up to work on this task offline.

When planning and designing the Learn@Home program, we have taken a holistic approach to the program offerings. We are providing in-home experiences that support the children’s learning and development in the areas of the arts, language, STEM, nature, maths, wellbeing and the physical / outdoor areas.

In keeping with our philosophy, some experiences will be inquiry or research based where the children will be asked to work on a project over several days or a week. Others are designed to be more experiential in order to develop a range of learning and skills.

The Learn@Home program can be accessed through the child’s classroom portal page. Each day the classroom teachers post learning tasks for the children to complete at home. These learning experiences will be connected to the current classroom projects and interests. To supplement this program offering, I am also posting additional learning experiences on my portal page.

Parents and children are encouraged to access the Learn@Home program and work through it at the child’s own pace. When the children have completed particular tasks, they are encouraged to interact with their class teacher by emailing a photo or copy of their work so that this becomes a shared or collaborative process and experience.

Next week the children will commence small group meetings with their Class Teacher via Microsoft Teams. The experience is designed to ensure that the ELC children remain connected with their educators and peers. The children will share their in-home learning with one another and their teacher will present new opportunities for learning to the children.

‘Project Bags’ were also distributed to the ELC children. These bags contain a selection of materials that the children can use at home and a second project book of in-home activities.

We look forward to the possibilities that teaching and learning in a new landscape will bring. It is important that we all work together to navigate the current challenges and provide the children with opportunities for continued learning and growth.

If at any stage you need to discuss your child’s learning or care needs for the term, please feel welcome to contact me.

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of ELC